The MAP autoIt library
The MAP Server installer includes an AutoIt module. This module contains some functions used to handle various things, including the way the MAP service passes device parameters/credentials into AutoIt scripts.
Each function is documented below.
.. function:: _OsiLog(DebugMessage)
| Logs the supplied message to the *MAP* log file and the Windows event viewer.
:param DebugMessage: The message to log
:type DebugMessage: String
:returns: None
.. function:: _OsiReadArgs()
| Receives data from the *MAP* service via ConsoleRead(), URL decodes the key value pairs, and loads them into a Scripting.Dictionary type object.
:Parameters: None
:returns: Scripting.Dictionary object
.. function:: _OsiExpandArgs($args)
| Loops through every key in the AssocArray and prints its value. If the key is 'password' asterisks are printed instead, to conceal the password value.
:param args: Connection arguments
:type args: Scripting.Dictionary (AssocArray) object
:returns: String
.. function:: _OsiMsgBoxArgs($args)
| Receives an AssocArray and displays a message box of key value pairs.
:param args: An AssocArray of arguments to be displayed
:type args: Scripting.Dictionary (AssocArray) object
:returns: MsgBox()
.. function:: _OsiURIDecode($sData)
| Receives a string of URL encoded parameters ("&key=value"), and returns an array containing the key and value.
:param sData: URL encoded key value pair
:type sData: String
:returns: Array