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View Untagged Virtual Machines

View Untagged Virtual Machines Playbook IconView Untagged Virtual Machines Playbook Icon

This task reports on untagged virtual machines for a chosen subscription.

You can run this task interactively, from a schedule, or via an API call to PPA.

It requires credentials for an Azure service principal with the correct permissions.

If you choose to create a new issue in Jira for the untagged instances, it requires Jira access credentials.

Playbook Files

Running this Playbook

  • Click download playbook
  • Import the downloaded file via the Playbooks page on PPA
  • Build the playbook from the Edit & Build tab
  • Run the playbook from the Preview & Deploy tab
* Requires PPA v2.9.x or newer


Required PPA Configuration

If you run start this task from a schedule or API call, a new issue will be created in Jira with details of the untagged instances.

When started interactively the user will have the choice to create a new issue in Jira.

Required Vault Details


  • Tenant ID
  • Client ID
  • Client Secret
  • Subscription ID

The service principal must have permissions to read virtual machine details.


  • Host
  • Username
  • API key

Vault Configuration Wizard

The first time you run a task built from this playbook, PPA will check the required Vault details exist.

If they don't exist, PPA will ask you to supply the details at the start of the task.

Below you can see a user providing details the first time they run an Active Directory task.


Once the details are added to Vault, the task won't ask for them again.

If you don't know the required details, ask an administrator to run the task or configure Vault manually.

API/Schedule Payload

To run this task from a schedule or API call, you'll need to supply a Jira project name and Jira user name in the task payload.

The payload should be in this format:

{ "jira_project_name": "your_project_name", "jira_user_name": "your_user_name" }

You can use the example payload above as a template.

What the Task Does


When run interactively this task will:

  • Find all untagged virtual machines
  • Display them in a table
  • Ask the user whether to create a new Jira issue
  • Ask the user to provide a Jira project name and Jira user to assign the issue to


When started from a schedule or API call, this task will:

  • Find all untagged virtual machines
  • Display them in a table
  • Create an issue in Jira with details of the untagged VMs (using Jira project details provided in the payload)
Product Boot Screen

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