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View & Reset Disconnected RDP Sessions

View & Reset Disconnected RDP Sessions Playbook IconView & Reset Disconnected RDP Sessions Playbook Icon

This is an interactive task for auditing & resetting disconnected RDP sessions on a Windows Server.

It requires a local or domain account with the permissions to view & reset RDP sessions.

Playbook Files

Requires PPA version 2.10.0 or newer

Running this Playbook

  • Click download playbook
  • Import the downloaded file via the Playbooks page on PPA
  • Build the playbook from the Edit & Build tab
  • Run the playbook from the Preview & Deploy tab
* Requires PPA v2.9.x or newer


Required Vault Details

Windows Server

  • IP/DNS address of a Windows Server
  • Username
  • Password

As this is a privileged task, the credentials used must have permission to view & reset RDP sessions.

Vault Configuration Wizard

The first time you run a task built from this playbook, PPA will check the required Vault details exist.

If they don't exist, PPA will ask you to supply the details at the start of the task.

Below you can see a user providing details the first time they run an Active Directory task.


Once the details are added to Vault, the task won't ask for them again.

If you don't know the required details, ask an administrator to run the task or configure Vault manually.

What the Task Does

Once started, this task allows the operator to:

  • View disconnected RDP sessions
  • Choose sessions to reset (if any)
  • Confirm the selection & reset the sessions
  • View an updated list of disconnected RDP sessions (optional)

Powershell Remoting (WinRM)

This task uses Powershell Remoting over WinRM to connect to the Windows Server.

See this Microsoft article for more information on how to securely enable WinRM.

Connection Settings

By default this playbook will:

  • Use SSL when connecting to the Windows server
  • Validate the Windows server certificate

You can change these settings on lines 8 & 9 of the playbook:

  use_ssl: true  # Set to false if using WinRM over HTTP.
  validate_cert: true  # Set to false if your Windows Server uses self-signed certificates.
Product Boot Screen

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