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An Opus upgrade should take around 5 minutes.


Download Upgrade ISO

Download the latest ISO to your local machine:

Upload to Datastore

From the Files tab of your virtual machine, navigate to a suitable datastore and folder.

Select Upload Files.

DataStore - Upload Files

Select the ISO on your local machine.

Wait for the transfer to complete.


Power Off Virtual Machine

If the virtual machine is in a powered on state, right-click it and select Power > Shut Down Guest OS:

Actions > Power > Power Off

Wait for the virtual machine to shut down.

Alternatively, from the console type sudo poweroff.

Select New ISO

Right click the virtual machine and select 'Edit Settings...':

Actions > Edit Settings...

Toggle 'CD/DVD drive 1', look for 'CD/DVD Media' and click the 'BROWSE...' button:

Edit Settings > CD/DVD drive 1

Select the correct Opus ISO from the datastore.

Power On Virtual Machine

Right-click the virtual machine and select Power > Power On:

Actions > Power > Power On


Opus will now boot and apply any database migrations automatically.

After a few minutes the new version of Opus will be available. Check the version label on the login screen to confirm.