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Composition definitions (Comp defs)

The following Composition Definitions can be used as field types as task input parameters:

Fieldtype Validator Form Item Type Description
boolean None Boolean Data type that one of two possible values.
integer isInteger Text Text input field, limited to integer input.
string None Text Standard string input text field.
select None Select Select from list.
password None Password Text input field but the form type is password so the input is masked out.
ip isIPv4 Text Standard IP v4 address.
ip_or_dns isIPv4OrDomainName Text IP v4 address or a domain/hostname.
dnsname isIPv4OrDomainName Text Domain/hostname.
hostname None Text IP v4 address or a domain/hostname.
host isIPv4OrDomainName Text IP v4 address or a domain/hostname.
tcpport isInteger & inRange 1-65535 Text Text input but limited to integers in the range 1-65535. Can be used for tcp or udp port input.
sqlport isInteger & inRange 1-65535 Text Text input but limited to integers in the range 1-65535. Can be used for tcp or udp port input.
sshport isInteger & inRange 1-65535 Text Text input but limited to integers in the range 1-65535. Can be used for tcp port input.
sftpport isInteger & inRange 1-65535 Text Text input but limited to integers in the range 1-65535. Can be used for tcp port input.
telnetport isInteger & inRange 1-65535 Text Text input but limited to integers in the range 1-65535. Can be used for tcp port input.
httpport isInteger & inRange 1-65535 Text Text input but limited to integers in the range 1-65535. Can be used for tcp or udp port input.
httpsport isInteger & inRange 1-65535 Text Text input but limited to integers in the range 1-65535. Can be used for tcp or udp port input.
rdpport isInteger & inRange 1-65535 Text Text input but limited to integers in the range 1-65535. Can be used for tcp or udp port input.
email None Text Standard string input text field.