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Azure AD Azure AD: Inputs & Outputs


  • Contains information about a user's automatic replies settings

Automatic Replies Keys

status: the state of automatic replies (disabled, scheduled, or alwaysEnabled)

internal_message: the message used to respond to senders inside the organisation

external_message: the message used to respond to senders outside the organisation

external_audience: external audience to send replies to (all, contactsOnly, or none)

start_time: start date for automatic replies in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS TZ format

end_time: end date for automatic replies in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS TZ format


  • Contains Azure authentication details using a service principal

  • It is used as an input to many of the actions in this plugin

Generating API Access Keys

See this Azure article for information about creating a service principal.

Supplying Credentials

You should always use a PPA Vault integration to provide credentials to a plugin action.

Required Keys

tenant_id: Azure Tenant ID

client_id: Azure Client ID

client_secret: Azure Client Secret


  tenant_id: your_tenant_id
  client_id: your_client_id
  client_secret: your_client_secret


  • Contains information about an Azure AD Licence

Licence Keys

consumed_units: Number of licences currently assigned

id: Licence ID

sku_id: Licence stock keeping unit ID

part_number: Name of the licence or product

prepaid_units: The number of purchased & enabled licences

service_plans: ServicePlans applicable to the licence


  • Contains information about an Azure AD Security Group

Group Keys

display_name: Group display name (not unique)

description: Group description

id: Group ID

security_enabled: Indicates whether the group is a security group

mail_enabled: Indicates whether the group is mail-enabled


  • Contains information about an Azure AD Licence Service Plan

Licence Keys

id: Service Plan ID

name: Service Plan Name

applies_to: Indicates the object type the plan applies to (for example 'user')


  • Contains information about an Azure AD User

User Keys

business_phone_numbers: List of the user's phone numbers

company: User's company

display_name: User's display name (not unique)

enabled: Indicates whether the user is enabled

first_name: User's first name

surname: User's surname

id: User ID

job_title: User's job title

language: User's native language

mail: User's email address

office_location: User's office location

usage_location: Two letter ISO country code

user_principal_name: User's principal name